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Member Profiles

Joyce Cheng

Joyce was born and bred in the beautiful city of Perth, a place known for its laid-back culture. In 2011 Joyce moved to Hong Kong to pursue opportunities in the finance industry. Starting out as a financial advisor in HK's competitive landscape, she has now navigated into the field of strategic business management in an international private bank.

With a curious interest in golf, Joyce first encountered the sport at a social gathering with some work friends. After a few decent swings for a first timer, she felt the game wasn't as 'unexciting' as it was typically portrayed and it didn't seem too difficult. She was determined to refine her swing and get good at the game. This is when Joyce came across a small yet passionate group of young golfers on Very quickly she too became a passionate golfer. With some good mentoring from fellow golf mates, coupled with her natural talent, Joyce was able to build a sound swing allowing her to occasionally drive the ball 200 yards plus! The thrill of hitting the ball far motivated Joyce to further improve her game. Over time, she learned to appreciate golf even more, understanding that it's not just a sport but through it one learns patience, 
persistence, and self-appreciation.

Friendly and personable, Joyce played an active part in the Society during its early days. She is often dubbed the 'poster child' of the Society.

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