Constitution of the Society
Section 1: Introduction
This document contains the rules and regulations of Hong Kong Prime Golf Society
under which the Society shall operate.
Section 2: Objective
The Society's chief objective is to become a leader in advancing, promoting, and
popularizing the game of golf in the Asia-Pacific region. The Society shall adhere to
this objective.
Section 3: Membership
a) There are two types of members: Fellows and Benefactors. Membership admission is
determined by the Board of Stewards. (See Appendix for an explanation of these two
types of memberships.)
b) There are two ways to gain membership:
1. through invitation by the Board of Stewards; and
2. through nomination by a Benefactor, and such a nomination is subject to the
approval by the Board of Stewards.
c) Members are required to purchase a Society jacket and pay an annual subscription.
Section 4: Subscriptions
The annual membership subscription shall be established by the Board of Stewards in
such amounts as they deem to be adequate.
Section 5: Board of Stewards
a. The Board of Stewards is the governing body of the Society. The Board formulates
policies for the Society and executes those policies as it sees appropriate. The Board
oversees all activities of the Society.
b. The Board shall have the power to: 1) Control all arrangements for the Society; 2)
Suspend or expel a member, as per Section 9 of this Constitution; 3) Form committees
who shall remain under the control of the Board who regulates the powers and the duties
of the committees (and their sub-committees); and 4) To interpret the Constitution of
the Society and to give rulings.
c. All decisions of the Board will be decided by at least 55% votes among the Stewards.
d. See Appendix for a further explanation of the role of the Board of Stewards.
Section 6: Formation and Renewal of the Board of Stewards
Part I
a) The Board shall be made up of no less than 3 and no more than 7 Stewards.
b) The term of office of the Board is 1 year, commencing on 1st January and ending on
31st December.
Part II
a) (i) At the end of each term, the current Stewards can either:
1. Step down;
2. Step down and nominate a candidate (from among the Benefactors) of
his/her choice;
3. Nominate him/herself for the new term.
(ii) Options 2 & 3 above must get at least 55% votes of the current Board.
(iii) Stewards should notify the current Board of their intention as to which of the three options they choose on or before 30th November of each year.
b) Benefactors can nominate themselves to the Board. Benefactors should notify the
current Board of their intention on or before 30th November of each year. To be voted
in, the candidate must get at least 55% votes of the current Board.
c) The Founders can appoint themselves to the Board, subject to Part III below. The
Founders should notify the current Board of their intention on or before 30th November
of each year.
d) The current Board, with at least 55% votes, can co-opt a member (must be a Benefactor)
to the Board at any time if it sees necessary, provided the number of Stewards on the
Board does not exceed 7.
e) The voting process in relation to electing a nominee to the Board must be done by secret
Part III
A Steward must have at least 80% attendance rate at Board meetings throughout the
term, and actively and meaningfully participate in Board discussions both during formal
meetings and in Board chat room, failing which any member of the Board can raise an
objection against that Steward in violation so as to bar him/her from joining the Board
the following term. Such objection can come into effect with at least 55% votes of the
current Board.
Section 7: The Senate
a) The Senate consists of the three founders of the Society, namely: Mr. Gilbert Joa, Mr.
Ray Tsang, and Mr. Robin Lam.
b) The Senate does not concern itself with the executive and administrative aspects of the
Society. The Senate does not concern itself with policy-making, day-to-day decision-
making and operations of the Society, all of which are the duties of the Board.
c) The primary function of the Senate is to act as the final gatekeeper in safeguarding the
welfare of the Society.
d) In exceptional cases, the Senate (with at least two Founders in support) can intervene
and overrule any decision made by the Board/ any committee/ any sub-committee/ any
individual member. Such reserve power, however, is to be exercised sparingly,
carefully and with caution and only in exceptional circumstances.
Section 8: Finance / Accounts
The Board shall appoint one of its members as Treasurer for the Society for the duration
of the term of office of the Board. The Treasurer's duty is to ensure all monies raised
by the Society shall be applied to further the advancement of the Society and for no
other purposes and maintain proper accounts of the finances of the Society and to report
the balance of Society accounts at Board meetings.
Section 9: Conduct
Members shall always be courteous to each other, and protect the welfare and interests
of the Society. In the event that a member has been found, following investigation by
the Board, to have committed an act detrimental to the Society in any way, the Board
reserves the right to suspend, terminate membership or take any other disciplinary
measure deemed suitable.
Section 10: Complaints
Any complaints should be made in writing to the Board for consideration.
Section 11: Disclaimer
It shall be the responsibility of the Board of the Society to secure a Public Liability
Insurance Policy for the Society. This policy will indemnify the Society against any
claims for damage or personal injury.
Section 12: Amendments to the Constitution
The Board shall have the power to repeal or amend any of the rules and regulations
contained in this Constitution.
Section 13: Notwithstanding Clause
Notwithstanding the rules and regulations contained in all the sections, except Section
7, in this Constitution, the Senate has reserve power (as per Section 7) to overrule any
decision or action by the Board or any committee or sub-committee or individual
member of the Society. Such reserve power is to be exercised sparingly, carefully and
with caution and only in exceptional circumstances.
Note on the Key Components of the Society
The Senate acts as the final gatekeeper in safeguarding the welfare of the Society. It
plays no part in the policy-making and day-to-day operations of the Society. It assumes
a passive role in that it will only exercise its reserve power to intervene in exceptional
Board of Stewards
The Board of Stewards is the governing body of the Society. The Board, through its
active participation in dedicated committees, develops and oversees future strategy and
direction of the Society. The Stewards must have integrity and a spirit to serve and act
in the best interest of the Society.
Benefactors are prominent members who have rendered outstanding services to the
Society. As senior members of the Society, Benefactors are in a position to make major
contribution to the affairs of the Society. Benefactors enjoy two important privileges:
(1) they are eligible to be elected to the Board of Stewards; and (2) they may propose
candidates to join the Society as Fellows.
Fellows are valuable members of the Society. The Society is careful in admitting only
quality individuals (preferably those who have an interest in golf) as Fellows.
General Subscribers of Hong Kong Prime Golf Society
General Subscribers (eg. and Facebook) have no formal affiliation with
the Society. General Subscribers are welcome to join "open-to-public" events organized
by the Society. Numerous events and activities throughout the year, however, are
exclusively reserved for Benefactors and Fellows.