Member Profiles

Dan Wen Soh
Dan is originally from Singapore and works in Human Resources in a global investment bank based out of Hong Kong. He first took up a two-month assignment in February 2014 and this eventually led to a permanent relocation to Hong Kong and he is still having fun today. He graduated from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore with a Bachelor in Business and recently obtained a Master’s in Global Finance jointly awarded by HKUST and NYU Stern.
Dan wanted to try a new challenge and first took golf lessons in Singapore where he has been playing on and off in the last few years. While in Hong Kong, he made a commitment to play more regularly and improve his game. Shortly after arriving, he came across the Society and has since been an active member. He makes a valuable contribution to the Society by organising monthly driving range sessions open to all levels – experienced players, beginners and anyone interested to pick up golf.​